IT Budgeting Tips For Small And Medium Sized Businesses

Budgeting is crucial for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to effectively manage their IT expenses while ensuring they meet their technological needs. Here are our IT budgeting tips for SMBs:

Align IT Goals with Business Objectives: Ensure that your IT strategy and budget align with the overall business goals and strategy. This helps prioritise IT initiatives that directly contribute to the success of the business.

Regularly Review and Update: IT needs can evolve rapidly. Regularly review and update your IT budget to account for changes in technology, business requirements, and potential security threats.

Prioritise Critical Investments: Identify and prioritise critical IT investments that directly impact business operations. Focus on projects that enhance productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Consider Cloud Services: Explore cloud services as they often provide cost-effective solutions. Cloud computing allows SMBs to access scalable resources without the need for significant upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure.

Evaluate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): Consider the total cost of ownership when making IT purchasing decisions. This includes not just the initial cost of hardware or software but also ongoing maintenance, support, and potential upgrade expenses.

Implement Cost Management Tools: Use cost management tools and software to track and analyse IT spending. This helps identify areas where costs can be optimised and ensures transparency in budget management.

Invest in Cybersecurity: Allocate a portion of your budget to cybersecurity measures. Investing in security technologies and employee training can prevent potential data breaches and the associated financial and reputational damages.

Explore Open Source Solutions: Consider open-source software alternatives for certain applications. Open source can provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on functionality or security.

Plan for Scalability: Choose IT solutions that can scale with the growth of your business. This prevents the need for frequent replacements and upgrades, saving costs in the long run.

Employee Training and Support: Allocate resources for employee training to ensure they can effectively use new technologies. Well-trained employees can contribute to increased productivity and efficiency.

Vendor Negotiation: Negotiate with IT vendors for the best pricing and explore discounts or bundled services. Establishing good relationships with vendors can lead to favorable terms and conditions.

Backup and Disaster Recovery: Prioritise backup and disaster recovery solutions. While it may seem like an additional cost, having a robust backup strategy can prevent significant losses in case of data loss or system failures.

Lifecycle Management: Implement a lifecycle management strategy for IT assets. Regularly assess the condition of hardware and software, and plan for replacements or upgrades accordingly.

Collaborate with IT Professionals: Consider consulting with IT professionals or managed service providers. They can provide expertise, guidance, and cost-effective solutions, particularly for SMBs with limited in-house IT resources.

By implementing these budgeting tips, small and medium-sized businesses can optimise their IT spending, enhance efficiency, and ensure that their technology investments align with their overall business objectives.

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Managed IT Services Or In-House IT : Pros and Cons

Managed IT Services and in-house IT both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two depends on various factors, including the specific needs and preferences of the organisation. Here are some pros and cons for each:

Managed IT Services – Pros

  • Cost Savings:
    • Reduced Overheads: Outsourcing IT services can often be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house IT department, as it eliminates the need for salaries, benefits, and other overhead costs associated with hiring full-time staff.
  • Expertise and Specialization:
    • Access to Specialized Skills: Managed service providers (MSPs) often have a team of specialists with diverse skills, providing a broader range of expertise compared to a small in-house team.
  • Scalability:
    • Flexible Resources: Managed IT services can scale up or down based on the organisation’s requirements, allowing for flexibility in adapting to changing business needs.
  • 24/7 Support:
    • Continuous Monitoring: Many MSPs offer 24/7 monitoring and support, ensuring prompt response to issues and minimizing downtime.
  • Focus on Core Competencies:
    • Allows Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing IT allows the organisation to focus on its core competencies without the distraction of managing IT infrastructure and support.

Managed IT Services – Cons

  • Dependency on External Provider:
    • Lack of Direct Control: The organisation may have less control over day-to-day operations and decision-making, relying on the managed service provider.
  • Communication Challenges:
    • Potential Communication Issues: There can be challenges in communication and coordination, especially if the MSP is located in a different geographic location.
  • Security Concerns:
    • Data Security Risks: Entrusting sensitive data to a third party raises security concerns, and organisations need to ensure that the MSP has robust security measures in place.

In House IT – Pros

  • Direct Control:
    • Greater Control: Having an in-house IT department allows for direct control over all aspects of IT operations, facilitating immediate decision-making and responsiveness.
  • Knowledge of Business Processes:
    • In-Depth Understanding: In-house IT teams often have a better understanding of the organisation’s specific business processes, which can lead to more tailored solutions.
  • Security Management:
    • Enhanced Security Control: Organisations can have greater control over their security measures and can implement customised security protocols.
  • Cultural Alignment:
    • Cultural Integration: In-house teams are more likely to be closely aligned with the organisation’s culture and values.

In-House IT – Cons

  • Higher Costs:
    • Increased Overheads: Maintaining an in-house IT team can be more expensive due to salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure costs.
  • Limited Expertise:
    • Skill Constraints: In-house teams may have limited expertise in certain areas, especially if the organization requires specialized skills.
  • Limited Scalability:
    • Challenges in Scaling: Scaling up or down can be challenging for in-house teams, as it may require hiring or laying off staff, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  • Workforce Management:
    • Human Resource Challenges: Managing and retaining skilled IT professionals can be a continual challenge.

In summary, the decision between managed IT services and in-house IT depends on factors such as budget constraints, the need for specialised skills, control preferences, and the overall strategic goals of the organisation. Some organisations may even opt for a hybrid approach, combining both models to achieve a balance between control and flexibility.

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The Importance of Backing Up Microsoft 365 Email

Backing up your Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) email is important for several reasons:

Data Loss Prevention: Regular backups help mitigate the risk of data loss due to accidental or malicious deletion. Users can accidentally delete important emails, and without a backup, these messages may be permanently lost. In the event of a cyberattack or unauthorised access, emails could be intentionally deleted.

Security Threats: Cyber threats such as ransomware and malware can encrypt or damage your data. Having a backup ensures you can recover your emails even if they are compromised.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Many industries have regulations that require the retention of certain data, including emails. Regular backups can help you comply with these regulations and avoid legal issues.

Business Continuity: System Failures, server crashes, hardware failures, or other technical issues can result in the loss of data. Backing up your Microsoft 365 email ensures business continuity by providing a means to restore critical information quickly.

User Errors: Human errors, such as accidental overwrites or misconfigurations, can lead to data loss. Having a backup allows you to recover from such mistakes.

Migration and Upgrades: When migrating to a new email platform or upgrading your Microsoft 365 subscription, having a backup ensures a smooth transition by allowing you to transfer your email data easily.

Complete Data Protection: Backup solutions often provide a comprehensive approach to data protection, including calendars, contacts, and other important information, as well as email.

Unforeseen Events: Natural disasters, fires, or other unforeseen events can physically damage infrastructure. Having a backup stored offsite provides an additional layer of protection against such incidents.

Microsoft 365 does provide some basic data retention features, but they may not be sufficient for all scenarios. While Microsoft offers some level of in built protection against data loss, it’s essential to understand that it is a shared responsibility between the service provider (Microsoft) and the customer. Regularly backing up your Microsoft 365 email ensures that you have control over your data and can recover it when needed.

How Will AI Impact Your Business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century, permeating various aspects of our lives. From virtual assistants to personalised recommendations, AI’s applications are numerous and diverse. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and AI is no exception. As we embrace this technology, it is essential to understand both its advantages and potential drawbacks. In this blog we look at some of the pros and cons of AI

Pros of Artificial Intelligence:

Efficiency and Automation: AI excels at repetitive and mundane tasks, increasing productivity and efficiency across various industries. Tasks that once required hours or days of human effort can now be completed in seconds, freeing up time and resources for more complex and creative tasks.

Enhanced Decision-making: AI systems can analyse vast amounts of data at incredible speeds, enabling better decision-making and problem-solving capabilities. In fields like healthcare, finance, and weather forecasting, AI-driven insights have the potential to save lives, optimise investments, and predict natural disasters more accurately.

Personalisation and User Experience: AI-powered algorithms can track user behaviour, preferences, and interactions, leading to highly personalised experiences. From tailored content recommendations to product suggestions, AI enhances user satisfaction and engagement with various platforms and services

Predictive Analytics: AI’s ability to analyse historical data and patterns allows for predictive analytics. Businesses can anticipate customer behaviour, market trends, and demands, enabling them to make strategic decisions and adapt to changing conditions proactively.

 Medical Advancements: AI plays a pivotal role in the healthcare industry, assisting in early disease detection, drug development, and personalized treatment plans. AI algorithms can analyse medical images, identify patterns, and aid in diagnosing diseases with higher accuracy.

Cons of Artificial Intelligence:

Job Displacement: One of the most significant concerns surrounding AI is its potential to replace human jobs. As AI becomes more capable, certain roles, especially those involving repetitive tasks, may be automated, leading to job losses and economic disruption.

Bias and Fairness: AI systems learn from historical data, which can contain inherent biases. If not carefully monitored and controlled, AI could perpetuate societal biases, leading to unfair treatment and discrimination.

Lack of Emotional Intelligence: AI lacks emotional intelligence and empathy, making it challenging to understand or respond appropriately to human emotions and needs. This limitation is critical in certain professions that require compassionate interactions, and shouldn’t be ignored by any business which values their customers.

Security and Privacy Concerns: The massive amounts of data collected and processed by AI raise concerns about data security and privacy. Unauthorised access or breaches of AI systems can lead to severe consequences, including identity theft, financial fraud, and manipulation of public opinion.

Ethical Dilemmas: The development of AI technologies introduces ethical dilemmas surrounding their use, such as invasion of privacy through surveillance, and the use of AI in decision-making processes with high-stakes consequences.


Artificial Intelligence has revolutionised the way we live and work, bringing with it a plethora of benefits and challenges. From increased efficiency and improved decision-making to potential job displacement and privacy concerns, AI’s impact is vast and multifaceted. As we continue to harness the power of AI, it is crucial to strike a balance between its advantages and disadvantages. Responsible development, transparency, and ethical considerations will be key to ensuring that AI remains a force for good.

IT Services

Cloud or On Premises? Which Server Is Best For You?

The choice between cloud servers and on-premises servers for MSP (Managed Service Provider) companies depends on various factors and the specific needs of the organization and its clients. Let’s explore the advantages and considerations of each option:

Cloud Servers

  • Scalability: Cloud servers offer the ability to scale resources up or down quickly based on demand. This flexibility allows MSPs to accommodate clients’ changing needs without investing in additional hardware.
  • Cost-efficiency: Cloud servers typically operate on a pay-as-you-go model, where you only pay for the resources you use. This eliminates upfront hardware costs and reduces maintenance expenses.
  • Reliability: Cloud service providers often offer robust infrastructure with high availability and built-in redundancy. This can provide better reliability and uptime compared to on-premises servers.
  • Geographic flexibility: Cloud servers allow MSPs to deploy resources across multiple regions, enabling them to serve clients in different locations effectively.
  • Ease of management: Cloud providers handle server maintenance, updates, and security patches, reducing the burden on MSPs and allowing them to focus on core services.

On-Premises Servers

  • Data control: With on-premises servers, MSPs have full control over their clients’ data, which can be crucial for organizations with strict compliance or regulatory requirements.
  • Customization: On-premises servers offer greater flexibility in terms of hardware and software customization, allowing MSPs to tailor their infrastructure to meet specific client needs.
  • Performance: For certain latency-sensitive applications or workloads, on-premises servers may offer better performance due to reduced network latency and dedicated hardware resources.
  • Security: Some MSPs and clients may prefer the additional control and security measures offered by on-premises servers, especially in highly regulated industries.
  • Predictable costs: While on-premises servers involve upfront costs, they provide predictable ongoing expenses, as there are no variable costs based on resource usage.

Ultimately, the decision between cloud servers and on-premises servers depends on factors such as the MSP’s target market, client requirements, budget, scalability needs, data sensitivity, and compliance considerations. In some cases, a hybrid approach combining both cloud and on-premises infrastructure might be the best fit, allowing MSPs to leverage the benefits of both options. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the specific needs of the business and its clients before making a decision.

BT To End Landlines By 2025: Get Ready For The Future Of Telecomms

In a world rapidly advancing towards digital connectivity, traditional landline telephony has gradually taken a back seat. The era of copper-based phone lines that have served us faithfully for decades is coming to an end. BT has recently announced its decision to terminate normal phone lines by the year 2025. This monumental shift marks a significant milestone in the evolution of telecommunications, as the company embraces the future of communication technology. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind BT’s decision and the implications it has for both consumers and the telecommunications industry as a whole.

Why is BT ending traditional phone lines?

  • Technological Advancements: The advent of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and the proliferation of mobile networks have revolutionized communication methods. These newer technologies offer enhanced features, better call quality, and increased flexibility compared to traditional phone lines. By focusing on these advanced technologies, BT aims to provide more efficient and modern communications solutions to its customers.
  • Declining Demand for Landlines: With the widespread use of smartphones and the availability of affordable mobile plans, the demand for landline telephony has significantly diminished. Many households and businesses now rely solely on mobile or internet-based communication services, rendering traditional landlines redundant. BT’s decision to phase out normal phone lines aligns with the changing consumer preferences and usage patterns.

Implications for Landline Customers

  • Transition to VoIP and Mobile Communication: As BT discontinues traditional phone lines, consumers will need to adapt to alternative communication methods. VoIP services, which allow calls to be made over the internet, will become the primary choice for those who still require a landline-like experience. Additionally, the reliance on mobile phones for voice communication will continue to grow, reinforcing the importance of robust mobile network coverage.
  • Cost Savings and Bundled Services: The shift away from traditional landlines presents an opportunity for consumers to reassess their communication needs and potentially save money. Many internet service providers now offer bundled services that include VoIP, internet connectivity, and television packages. By opting for such bundles, consumers can consolidate their communication expenses and take advantage of additional features and services.

Implications for the Telecommunications Industry

  • Infrastructure Upgrades: The phasing out of normal phone lines will necessitate significant infrastructure upgrades. Telecommunications companies will need to invest in broadband networks and develop robust VoIP systems to accommodate the growing demand for internet-based communication. This transition will create new opportunities for infrastructure development and innovation within the industry.
  • Evolution of Service Offerings: The industry-wide shift away from traditional landlines will encourage telecommunications providers to focus on developing advanced communication solutions. This could include investing in artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistants, integrating unified communication platforms, and exploring emerging technologies such as 5G networks. The competition to provide cutting-edge communication services will likely intensify, benefiting consumers with a wider range of options.

In Summary

BT’s decision to end normal phone lines by 2025 represents a significant milestone in the telecommunications industry and it’s going to be more important than ever for businesses and large consumers to partner As technology advances and consumer preferences change, traditional landline telephony is giving way to more modern and flexible communication solutions. The transition to VoIP and mobile communication will provide consumers with improved features, greater cost savings, and increased convenience. Meanwhile, the telecommunications industry will experience a transformation, leading to infrastructure upgrades and the development of innovative services. As we bid farewell to traditional phone lines, we embrace a future where communication is more interconnected, efficient, and adaptable to the ever-evolving needs of individuals and businesses.

You might also be interested in reading this: Why is it beneficial to partner with an IT company for communications solutions?

phone system 2

Protecting Your SME from Spam Emails: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s digital era, email has become an indispensable tool for communication in businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, along with the many advantages email brings, there is also a downside: spam emails. These unsolicited and often malicious messages can pose significant risks to your SME’s security, productivity, and reputation. In this blog post, we will explore the dangers of spam emails and provide you with effective strategies to protect your SME from falling victim to them.

Understanding the Threat From Spam Emails

Spam emails are more than just annoying; they can carry serious consequences for your SME. Here are some of the risks associated with spam:

  1. Malware and Viruses: Spam emails are a common method used by hackers to distribute malware and viruses. Clicking on suspicious links or downloading malicious attachments can infect your SME’s systems, leading to data breaches or ransomware attacks.
  2. Phishing Attacks: Phishing is a type of cyber attack where scammers impersonate legitimate organizations to trick recipients into revealing sensitive information. Spam emails often contain phishing links, attempting to deceive employees into sharing passwords, financial details, or other confidential data.
  3. Loss of Productivity: Dealing with a constant influx of spam emails can waste valuable time and hamper productivity. Sorting through junk messages, deleting them, and potentially falling victim to phishing scams can disrupt your team’s workflow.
  4. Reputation Damage: If your SME’s email accounts are compromised and used to send spam, it can damage your brand’s reputation. Recipients may perceive your business as unprofessional or insecure, leading to a loss of trust and potential customers.

Protecting Your SME from Spam Emails

Now that we understand the risks, let’s delve into some practical strategies to safeguard your SME:

  1. Implement Robust Email Filters: Use a reliable email filtering system that identifies and blocks spam messages before they reach your employees’ inboxes. These filters use various techniques, such as blacklisting known spammers and analyzing email content for suspicious patterns.
  2. Educate Your Team: Provide regular training sessions to educate your employees about the dangers of spam emails, phishing attacks, and best practices for email security. Teach them to recognize phishing attempts, avoid clicking on suspicious links, and report any suspicious emails promptly.
  3. Use Strong Passwords: Weak passwords are an open invitation for hackers. Encourage your team to create strong, unique passwords for their email accounts and consider implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security.
  4. Be Cautious with Email Attachments and Links: Advise your employees to exercise caution when opening email attachments or clicking on links, especially if they are unexpected or from unknown sources. Encourage them to verify the sender’s authenticity through other channels before taking any action.
  5. Regularly Update Software and Security Patches: Keep your SME’s email servers, operating systems, and antivirus software up to date. Regularly installing security patches helps protect against vulnerabilities that cybercriminals may exploit.
  6. Secure Email Communication: Consider implementing encryption technologies to secure sensitive information shared via email. Encryption ensures that even if an email is intercepted, its content remains unintelligible to unauthorized individuals.
  7. Use a Reliable Email Service Provider: Opt for a reputable email service provider that has robust security measures in place to detect and block spam. Research and choose a provider that offers advanced spam filtering and other security features tailored to SMEs.

In Conclusion

Spam emails continue to pose a significant threat to SMEs, but by implementing proactive security measures, educating your team, and staying vigilant, you can protect your business from these malicious attacks. Prioritise email security as an integral part of your overall cybersecurity strategy, and regularly review and update

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Why You Should Review Your Data Security NOW!

Cyber Attacks On The Rise

Another week, another serious data breach is fast becoming the new normal. Cyber security has always been a vital component of any decent IT Strategy and an all too frequent occurrence in the IT press, but as hackers become more and more sophisticated, and bigger names are affected, we are hearing about it more and more as mainstream news. The government have recently published research that finds many business leaders still don’t prioritise cyber security until after a major breach. Make sure you Review Data Security.

SME’s Need To Take Action

Too many SME’s are putting their heads in the sand and we often hear “Why would anyone want to attack our site or systems we aren’t big enough”. The idea and popular misconception that major data breaches only happen to larger companies or big names being specifically targeted is now dangerously outdated, and leaves smaller companies even more exposed. There has never been a better time to make sure you have the right IT provider in place who will help you shape and proactively enforce your data security requirements.

Take Action Before Your Own Data Breach

A government report, published by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) confirms:
“in response to these increasing levels of risk, nearly all participants acknowledged
the need for ever greater levels of vigilance and investment in cyber-security, as the
controls that were appropriate a few years ago are now seen as less effective. That
said, while interviewees from medium and large organisations said they tended to
have formal plans in place and budget allocated for further cyber security investment,
interviewees from smaller organisations were more likely to assert they did not,
largely citing resource constraints. Their response to the perceived growing cyber
security risk therefore appears to be largely piecemeal and reactive”

Find The Right IT Provider

The general manager and IT manager at one SME (10-49 employees) said the breach it suffered made the organisation “more vigilant” at senior management level. This heightened vigilance allowed both managers to get immediate sign-off from the board when it came to contracting a new IT provider. This came after the previous company was blamed for a slow response to an attack which saw an email intercepted and client funds were stolen.

What Can I Do To Prevent Cyber Attacks?

With an estimated 40% of UK businesses having experienced some form of attempted cyber attack, don’t let this happen to you. Talk to us at KeyInsite about keeping your cyber security up to date. We pride ourselves in being proactive and providing 24/7 round the clock support to give our clients peace of mind. We also give you guaranteed response times so you can be sure we’ll be there to help even in case of emergencies.

Review Data Security

Why it is Beneficial to Partner with an IT Company For Communications Solutions

Regardless of which industry sector you work in or what your business entails, communication solutions will play a vital role in your day-to-day working life. Whether it is essential that your customers can reach you by phone or you require constant access to the internet for emails, it is fair to say that without these core communication solutions, businesses would find it incredibly difficult, if not virtually impossible, to operate successfully. 

Nowadays, there are more phone and internet options available than ever before and they are becoming increasingly more complex too. For this reason, when wanting to invest in a new communications package, many will turn to a specialist IT company, like Key Insite, for help. Whilst you may feel as though you’re able to navigate the vast market yourself, there are a number of benefits to reaching out to an expert and if you’re wondering whether it is really worthwhile to do so, keep reading today. 

Can Save a Lot of Time

You can trust that when you turn to an IT company for assistance with your communications solutions, they will save you a lot of time, hassle and stress. They can help you to sieve through the vast range of different providers on the market and the communications’ packages they offer to ensure that you’re not overlooking anything and that you’re able to confidently make an educated decision. 

You’re Introduced to New Communications Solutions

Not only will an IT company help you to assess and evaluate the communication options that you’re already aware of, but they will introduce you to new innovative solutions too. For example, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is one of the most efficient and versatile solutions available nowadays, but not many business owners know that it exists. 

Receive Assistance in Dealing with Technical Issues 

More often than not, when working alongside an IT company for your communication solutions, they won’t just assist you when you’re choosing the best options for your business, they will also help with any technical issues you face too. Whether this is in relation to your phone lines or internet connection, they will prevent you from having to handle any potential frustrating and time-consuming problems alone. 

Ensure you’re Not Paying Above the Odds 

Of course, as a business owner, you will be conscious of unnecessary outgoings and whilst you may not want to pay for an IT company’s assistance, you can trust that they will likely end up saving you money in the long run. They will help you find a budget-friendly solution to your communication needs and ensure that you don’t get sucked into a package that isn’t cost-effective for you. 

Prevent Issues with Remote Workers 

Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly common for businesses to have employees that work remotely and, for this reason, the communication solutions you choose need to be sufficient not only in the office, but on the road too. An IT company can help you to ensure that you’re opting for a solution that is able to meet all of the individual needs of each area of your business. 

Reduces the Likelihood of Communication Problems 

There are a number of common communication problems, such as getting a poor phone signal due to your remote location, that can be overcome when you work alongside an IT company. You can guarantee that they will have the perfect solution to the vast majority of these problems and it is likely that they will have options you may not have known about previously. 

Finding a Professional IT Company in Hertfordshire 

Ultimately, when you run a business, it is essential to have suitable communication solutions and working alongside an IT company when choosing between the many internet, mobile and landline options can be incredibly beneficial. Getting professional advice on these communication solutions is always worthwhile and you can guarantee that you will thank yourself for doing so. 

Should you be looking for an IT company in Hertfordshire that can provide you with the assistance you need in relation to your communication solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at Key Insite. Not only can we help you to decide which solutions will be most suitable for your individual needs, but we will also provide you with ongoing support too. As mentioned above, we understand that not everyone knows much about VoIP and we will gladly answer any initial questions that you may have in this regard as well. We look forward to assisting you further. 

Things to Consider when Deciding Which IT Services your Business Needs

Technology plays such a huge role in business success nowadays and, for this reason, many small and mid-size enterprises, SMEs, that don’t have an internal IT team are choosing to work alongside outsourced IT companies. There is no denying that there are a number of benefits to hiring an external company to handle your IT services and they can provide you with the comprehensive support that you require in this regard. 

Nowadays, the vast majority of independent IT companies, such as Key Insite will offer SMEs a number of different IT services and whilst all of them are worthwhile looking into the future, it can be difficult to decide which will be beneficial for you and your business as a whole. So, to help any SMEs who are currently looking into the different IT services available and attempting to choose which to invest in, below is a list of things you should consider. 

The Company who Currently Handle your IT Issues

Whenever you’re considering external IT services, it is always important to think about the capabilities you have in house. For example, if you don’t currently have anyone handling your IT, then you may need fully managed IT services that provide IT maintenance and support 24/7/365. So, think about how much help you realistically need with your IT as a whole. 

The Backup and Security Procedures you Have in Place 

Businesses store so much critical data on their computers and servers, so you should also be thinking about your backup and security procedures. If you don’t currently have anything in place or you’re using out-of-date time-consuming solutions, it will be beneficial to look into data security IT solutions. You can then ensure that your network is always safe and secure.

The Complexity of the IT Equipment and Software you Rely on 

Depending on the size and complexity of your IT infrastructure, you may find that you need more comprehensive IT services. For example, if you rely on your IT equipment and software to keep your business running effectively, then you may want to look for IT monitoring services whereby experts can identify issues before they cause a problem. 

The Traditional On-Premises Hosting you Have 

The majority of SMEs use on-premises hosting and you should consider how successful this is for you. Nowadays, alternatives such as cloud services are more cost-effective and flexible than traditional hosting, so you may want to look into cloud computing packages and IT services. Even if you aren’t having problems with your on-premises hosting it is worthwhile looking into the benefits of the other options you have too. 

The Probability of Needing New IT Solutions 

Often, IT equipment and software will be one of the first big investments you make as a business owner and they will likely need updating over time. If you have been thinking about getting new solutions, IT services that assist with the purchasing of IT solutions may be helpful. So, think about whether you’re likely to need advice and recommendations in this regard. 

What is your IT Strategy 

Many SMEs haven’t got an IT strategy and even though IT is an essential part of their business, it is often overlooked or forgotten. IT as a whole can have a huge impact on the productivity and efficiency of your business, so if you don’t currently have an IT strategy, you may want to look at IT consultancy services that help ensure IT is properly planned and budgeted for.

Investing in IT Services in Berkshire 

The vast range of IT services provided by independent IT companies are incredibly beneficial to SMEs and they are definitely worth investing in. Hopefully, by taking the time to think about everything mentioned above, you will have a better understanding of the support you require and you will, in turn, be able to choose which IT services will be most beneficial for you to invest in. 

When searching for an experienced company that provides a range of helpful IT services in Berkshire, be sure to visit the Key Insite website. As a small friendly company made up of IT professionals, you can rely on us to provide you with a comprehensive portfolio of IT management and support services. We specialise in assisting both national and international SMEs, so you can guarantee that we are the best people to turn to in this regard. If you have any questions at all about any of our IT services in Berkshire, don’t hesitate to contact us today.